10 November 2011

Shower Difficulties

Maybe it's from turning the clocks back, or because I have had Spaghettios for dinner three nights in a row, but I have been having a terrible time getting through the day without forty cups of coffee.  I have also been coming home and not sleeping at night.  It has crossed my mind that the lack of sleep could be directly related to my caffeine intake, but I don't want to jump to any conclusions.

Twice this week I have rolled out of bed and stumbled into the shower half-asleep with bloodshot eyes and only half of my brain functioning.  Both times I have had the urge to pick up my razor and brush my hair with it.  I haven't done it yet, but the fact that it keeps popping into my head is cause for concern.  

This morning I actually said, out loud, "This is for your legs, not for brushing your hair" while reaching for the razor.  Since I don't normally speak to myself out loud, my dog assumed there was an intruder and started barking.  I then got scared and dropped a can of shaving cream onto my toe.  My toe hurts now.

I am going to put a post-it note on the razor, just as an extra reminder for myself tomorrow... and maybe I will consider giving up coffee for a few days too.

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